Entries are sorted by title (in ascending alphabetical order).
- ASCII Codes
Table with ASCII-Codes.
Base and ambiguity codes used in DNA FASTA-files.
- Extract images from PDF-files
Extract all image-files from PDF-files by using the right mouse button.
- HTML Codes
Named Characters in HTML.
- How to install NodeJS and NPM using NVM and Zsh-NVM?
This article describes how to install, update and use NodeJS, NPM and NVM using Zsh-NVM.
- How to keep feature branches in the git history?
In this article you'll learn how to keep information about feature branches in the git history.
- Install IrfanView on Linux
Installation of IrfanView on your Linux machine.
- Install SplitsTree4 on 64 bit Ubuntu
Installation of SplitsTree4 on your 64 bit Linux system.
- Installation of Zsh and Oh My Zsh
This article describes step by step how to install the Zsh including the Oh My Zsh framework.
- Ubuntu code names
Ubuntu code names and their German translations.
- Useful Firefox add-ons
Useful add-ons for Firefox.
- Useful Software
Useful software that is installed on my system.
- Which Ubuntu repositories does Linux Mint use?
Which Ubuntu repositories does Linux Mint use?